Introduction to spiritual clinician education, concepts, descriptions and examples for professional caregivers in chaplaincy training. With the goal of seeing patients through the eyes of clinical spirituality and improving the usefulness of that perspective.

I am happy to announce that Confrontation in Spiriitual Care : an Anthology for Clinical Caregivers is now available wherever you shop for books. Amazon Order

CONFRONTATION IN SPIRITUAL CARE—an Anthology for Clinical Caregivers, edited by Gordon Hilsman and Sandra Walker, makes a compelling case for the power of confrontation as empathy’s indispensable partner in the work of healing and restoring wholeness. The rich chapters in this book, written by professionals in the field of spiritual care and healthcare, make a convincing case for the growth-inducing power of skillful and compassionate challenge. I found myself drawn in by the rich stories about wise caregivers and mentors challenging their patients or students in life-enhancing ways. The evocative writing moved me to deep appreciation for the tools explored in these pages and for the courageous healers who honed and are now teaching us the art of confrontation for the benefit of those we serve. Jurgen Schwing, MA, ACPE Certified Educator, Director of Spiritual Care, Kaiser Permante Diablo Service Area, Walnut Creek, CA


Spiritual Needs are unpleasant or painful experiences of having difficulty finding meaning and purpose.  These 21 spiritual needs provide the language necessary to assess vulnerable people; the descriptions address the needs and expected outcomes.


Spiritual Arenas: These aspects of life present us with the best and the worst of what we can influence but cannot control. Identifying which of these arenas are currently stirring in people under your care is key to personally listening to them and “capturing their soul” in writing. They form a conceptual basis for a clinician’s spiritual assessment. LEARN MORE


100 Practical Skills for Bolstering the Human Spirit: 27 Interpersonal Skills, 25 Personal Skills, 27 Transcedence Skills and 26 Communal Skills. LEARN MORE